
Roger Tinklenburg

Interim City Administrator

Although the City of Walsenburg is a Statutory City and has not voted for the Council-Manager form of government, it has assigned the City Administrator the duties of a manager. The City Administrator does not set policy but carries out the policies of the City Council.

The Position of Walsenburg City Administrator was created on February 5, 2008 through Ordinance No. 967. The City Administrator is appointed to serve an indefinite term by a majority of City Council based on training, experience, and merit alone. The City Administrator serves at the pleasure of City Council and may be removed by a majority vote of the entire City Council.

The purpose of the City Administrator is to:

  • provide the centralization of the administrative responsibilities of the City
  • be the administrative head of the City under the direction and control of City Council
  • be responsible for the effective and efficient conduct of the office.

The City Administrator must become a resident of Walsenburg and maintain residency during the term of office.

The City Administrator shall nominate another City Employee to serve as Acting City Administrator during their temporary disability or absence from the City, subject to confirmation and approval by City Council.

Duties of the City Administrator

  1. The City Administrator shall enforce the laws, ordinances, and policies of the City and all contracts to which the City is a party. They shall assure that the City remains compliant with state and federal water and waste-water regulations.
  2. The City Administrator shall recommend an annual budget to the City Council, administer the adopted budget, and keep City Council fully advised at all times as to the financial condition of the City.
  3. The City Administrator shall superintend and generally manage all City Departments and their personnel. They shall develop written procedures for administering and executing City policies and establish appropriate personnel rules and regulations, subject to Council approval. The City Administrator shall appoint, discipline, and remove all officers and employees in the service of the City (except the City Attorney and Municipal Judge) and shall provide annual written reviews of employee performance. Changes in employee compensation must be approved by City Council.
  4. The City Administrator shall superintend and generally manage all City personal property, real property and improvements so they are properly maintained and ready for appropriate use.
  5. The City Administrator shall attend City Council meetings, submit a report of their activities prior to each regular City Council meeting, take part in discussions in an advisory capacity, and recommend such measures and policies as deemed necessary.
  6. The City Administrator shall administer the City's municipal planning and coordinate the City's economic development. They shall attend Planning and Zoning Commission meetings in an advisory capacity, and seek out City grant opportunities, ensuring their proper administration.
  7. The City Administrator shall develop and disseminate appropriate public information regarding the City and its various activities. They shall receive, investigate, and respond to public inquiries, complaints and concerns in a tactful, timely and respectful manner that recognizes the dignity of each individual and seeks fair and just resolutions.

Council Obligations and Restrictions

  • The Mayor and City Council shall provide the City Administrator with a written review not less than annually providing both numerical ratings and written comments on various performance categories.
  • The Mayor and City Council members are expressly forbidden to interfere in any way with the City Administrator in the exercise of the powers and duties, and neither the Mayor or any member of the City Council shall give orders to any of the subordinates of the City Administrator.
  • Except for the purpose of inquiry the Mayor and members of the City Council shall deal with the City Administrator solely through the City Board